homemade concrete pump wholesale in the Philippines


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homemade concrete pump wholesale in the Philippines

homemade concrete pump wholesale in the Ghana

Concrete pumping is a strenuous and time-consuming job, which is why you might want to consider investing in a concrete pump wholesale if you're looking to get started in the concrete industry. With the right equipment, you can easily move concrete from your construction site to the ready-mix truck, and save time and money on the process.

What is homemade concrete pump?

Homeschooling has never been so easy! With the help of a homemade concrete pump, you can easily create your own concrete mix at home. This is a great way to save money and learn about construction in the process.

How to make homemade concrete pump?

If you are thinking of making your own concrete pump, this DIY guide will show you how! The process is easy, and can be done at home with just a few materials. Plus, the end result is a really sturdy concrete pump that you can use to help move heavy loads. Here’s how to make a homemade concrete pump:

1. Get the necessary supplies: A pot big enough to fit the motor, PVC pipe (around 3 feet long), a plunger, cement, water and sand.

2. Prepare the PVC pipe by cutting it in half and then laying it on its side so that the open end is facing outwards. Make sure the opening of the pipe is big enough for the motor to fit inside.

3. Fit the motor into the opening of the PVC pipe and screw it on tightly. If needed, you can use a small piece of wood to protect your floor from scratches while the pump is in use.

4. Pour cement into the pot and stir until well combined. Then add enough water to make a thick slurry (around 2 gallons).

5. Place the plunger over the top of

How to use homemade concrete pump?

There is no need to hire a professional concrete pump to handle small jobs around the house if you have the right tool. A homemade concrete pump can be made from a bicycle pump and a bucket. All you need is some PVC pipe, a hose, and some cinder blocks. Here’s how to make one:

1. Cut two pieces of PVC pipe about 18 inches long each.
2. Fit one end of each pipe into the end of the other, making sure the ends are flush.
3. Take the bicycle pump and attach it to the hose that you’ve attached to one of the pipes. Pump the bike pump until the pressure gauge reads at least 50 psi.
4. Fill up a bucket with enough water to cover the cinder blocks, and pour it into the second pipe. Put on eye protection and hold onto the top of the pipe as you lower it into the bucket of water. When it reaches the bottom, release the grip on top of the pipe and allow it to rise back up to the top of the bucket.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 until all of the concrete has been pumped out of your bucket.

Pros and Cons of using homemade concrete pump

One of the benefits of using a homemade concrete pump is that it is very affordable. This is due to the fact that you do not need to spend money on machinery or supplies. Additionally, using a homemade concrete pump can be very efficient, as you do not need to use large amounts of water to create the desired effect. However, there are also some disadvantages associated with using a homemade concrete pump. First, you may not be able to produce the same quality of concrete as with a commercially available pump. Additionally, if you do not have experience in using a homemade concrete pump, you may end up causing damage to the equipment or your own body.


If you are in the Ghana and looking for a reliable supplier of homemade concrete pumps, then you should check out our website. Our pumps are made from high-quality materials and are customized to meet the specific needs of each customer. We also offer a free consultation so that we can figure out what type of pump is best suited for your project.

homemade concrete pump wholesale in the Ghana

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